Chapter 3

SE-5 1000 Analysis

Al’s voice was beginning to fade as I regained consciousness in the morning. I was aware that I was back in my bed, but I kept very still to keep all of the memories intact. I felt a deep gratitude for having a photographic memory when it came time to write everything down in my journal. It was late morning and I could smell breakfast cooking. I didn’t even stir as my beloved slipped out of bed. What a night! After getting all of the main points in my journal, I ran downstairs to share my adventure. The day seemed to move like molasses in the winter. I couldn’t wait to return to my night school and continue my lessons.

Around ten o’clock I donned my dream mask and started a mental countdown to help me relax and focus my mind. I guess it was all the excitement of the night before, because it was quite late when I finally found the sandman singing me to sleep.

Al said, “No matter what approach we use, this is the general procedure we use for analysis. We would then repeat this process throughout an entire list of different categories, (For a list of a complete analysis program, see Appendix B) but first let’s make a Custom Program and balance John’s IDFs.”

I realized that Al was continuing as though I hadn’t even been gone. I remembered that we had just finished an analysis demonstration.

****** Al explained the procedure as he showed us how to put the Tunings into the computer.

“This allows us to put the Tunings that we have just found for John into the computer for later recall. We can recall them one-at-a-time for measuring, or so that they sequence, one, after another, automatically for balancing.

“Another option is to build the Custom Program as we scan for the Tunings. This way we don’t have to write them down and then type each one into the computer. We can enter a Tuning directly from any program in the menu, or Type them in “on the fly” and it will save a lot of time.

“Before we balance John’s IDFs, lets have a look at his aura and biofield representation with another instrument called the Aura in Motion,” Al said as he motioned toward the laptop computer on the table next to the SE-5 1000. “Through a system of enhanced biofeedback we can get a sense of how John’s biofield looks now and then we can see how it looks after balancing. This glove has small sensors in it that will measure several aspects of his electromagnetic field as well as his body temperature fluctuations. It is connected to a translator system that sends the information to the laptop computer which correlates the electrical impulses and shows us graphically, in the form of colors and graphs, a clear representation of his current state,” Al finished as he put the sensor glove on John’s left hand.

Is this like the Kirlian photographs we saw earlier or more like the EEG biofeedback that Cleave Backster did with the cells?” I asked.

“It is more akin to the biofeedback instrument that Cleave used, but is using the power of a computer to interpret the data and correlate it with the aura and chakras. True Kirlian photography is made by charging the electrostatic field of a person with high voltage static electricity.

We watched as John’s aura came alive on the screen. (see picture on Color Plate II) The colors of changed around a representation of John’s body but soon settled into rhythm of yellows and greens. “As you can see, John’s aura is quite small and close to the body. This represents stress in the system. You can also see that the Throat Chakra, Heart Chakra, and the Base Chakra are very small whereas the other chakras are putting out much more energy. The body level is receiving most of the energy and the mind and spirit are receiving very little. This correlates with what we found with the SE-5 1000.

“Now for the big moment,” Al exclaimed. “Instead of receiving information from John, we will now send him balancing information.” Al pushed some buttons on the computer, and switched the SE-5 1000 into the balance mode. He showed us the screen of the computer and it was showing one Tuning at a time in the window for about five seconds, then changing to the next Tuning. Al explained, “As each of the Tunings flash onto the screen, the SE-5 1000 is sending information through an alternate dimension to try and balance John’s IDFs. “While the SE-5 1000 is in the balance mode, I can answer some questions,” Al said.

“After the IDFs are balanced, how long will they stay that way?” John asked.

“That can depend on many factors. It may depend on how ‘out of balance’ the IDFs are to begin with, how stressful of an environment one is in, and how long the IDFs have been out of balance. Normally I find that a Tuning will begin to revert back toward its previous state after a day or two. It will not usually end up at the same place it was when we started, but will begin to drift in that direction. For example, if a positive Tuning (positive = ideal state 100%) was measured to be 48%, it may drift back to about 65% after two to three days. I would then balance toward 100% again and perhaps after a few more days it could drift back to about 80%. Then I would balance again and maybe it will only drift down to 90%. Normally after the next balancing the reading would stay very close to 100%.

“Does it ever happen that a Tuning doesn’t come back into balance?” a woman asked.

“Yes,” Al replied. “If an IDF pattern is not moving back to its optimum state, it usually means that there is an underlying cause that must first be addressed. For example if one of the Chakras doesn’t come back to 100% within a few minutes, it usually means that a related organ IDF is unbalanced and needs to also be balanced. That is why I normally like to do a complete analysis (see Chart in Appendix B) because everything is interrelated and this gives me a much bigger picture of what is happening.

“As you can see, this is a very extensive program and it will give you a very detailed overview of the IDF pattern,” Al said. “We won’t have time to go through an entire analysis, but let’s see how John is feeling.”

John piped right in, “I feel great.”

It wasn’t even necessary for him to say anything at all, as it was obvious to everyone that he was indeed feeling great. His eyes were shining and his face smiled easily. Al grinned knowingly.

“OK,” Al said, “Let’s see how we did with John’s IDFs.”

He switched the SE-5 1000 back into the measure mode and checked each of the Tunings once again. “Everything balanced out perfectly. Now let’s have a look at his aura to see if anything changed,” Al finished. (see Color Plate II)