Advanced Training Courses for the
SE-5 plus
and SE-5 1000
Advanced Training
Taken from a three day workshop, this course covers the begining uses of the SE-5 through many advanced uses.
Six hours of video instruction walks you step by step through a 75 page workbook. A complete and in-depth training for the SE-5 and SE-5 1000.
You will have the benefit of hearing the answers to the kinds of questions you have always wanted to ask.
Exciting new possiblities await you as you deepen your skills with the SE-5.
Learn how to expand your efficiency with the use of a personal computer and your SE-5.
About the Course
This course is taken from a three day intensive seminar and will challenge the beginner as well as an advanced user of the SE-5. You will be learning though lecture, discussion and hands on training. Highly technical issues will be brought down into understandable concepts and language. A well rounded course.
Course Requirements
An SE-5, an open mind, and enthusiasm for understanding life. It is preferred that you have read Regaining Wholeness Through the Subtle Dimensions by Don Paris Ph.D.(h.c.) and have completed the Beginning Training course on video.
About the SE-5 1000
The SE-5 1000 is an instrument designed to detect and balance subtle informational fields. This is a highly sophisticated instrument that is both easy to use and very versatile. Because of its digital circuitry, it is fully computerized which reduces your time spent in analyzing and balancing of the subtle fields. Whether you are experimenting in the area of health, agriculture, business or mining, the SE-5 fulfills its purpose.
Course Contents
- Review the uses of the SE-5 in health, agriculture, pets, and business.
- Work at the DNA level to increase longevity, clear genetic imprints, & activate higher consciousness.
- Preparing potentized substances.
- Clear negative energies.
- Increase speed and accuracy.
- Work forward and backward in time for more effectiveness.
- Clear negative past lives.
- Learn about the aura and how to clear it of toxins.
- Develop Tunings for the SE-5.
- Understand theory of Tunings.
- Targeting Substances.
- Amplify prosperity.
- Enhance spiritual growth.
- Use color and geometrics.
- Using word Tunings.
- Balancing emotional IDF with Bach Flower Remedies.
- More...
Changing Reality with the SE-5
Advanced DVD course for the SE-5 1000 and SE-5 plus.
The course was taught in Denver Colorado in June of 2010.
This course highlights the latest discoveries in Quantum Physics, String Theory, Epigenetics and their applications with the SE-5.
We also explore the newest features of the SE-5 1000 and put these to work in new and exciting ways.Some of the areas we cover are:
Chakras and the related organs;
Understanding and eliminating Stress;
Increasing Success;
Acupuncture and the SE-5 1000;
Epigenetics and Gene Control
The Gene Keys;
Homeopathy and the SE-5
The course comes with the book Gene Keys by Richard Rudd if you don't already have it. It is an amazing book that goes much deeper than the words on the page. I feel like it taps the resources of the genetic programs themselves.
Changing Reality with the SE-5
About your Trainer
Don Paris Ph.D. is an internationally known seminar leader on the forefront of subtle field research. In his book entitled Regaining Wholeness Through the Subtle Dimensions, Don brings to light many new theories and applications of the SE-5 1000 and SE-5 plus in an easy to understand, entertaining fashion. Truly a landmark for the acceptance of this technology.
For the past 20 years he has lectured on alternative health throughout the U.S., Europe, and the Far East. He has trained doctors, health practioners, and lay people in over 30 countries throughout the world. Don's easy teaching style and vast knowledge of his subject makes the class interesting and fun to learn.
The Next Dimension DVD Course (Part One)
This is Part One of a information packed course that covers the deepest aspects of using the SE-5 1000. The course was taught together with Jan van der Est (see Part Two) and Don Paris Ph.D. (h.c.). Most definitely the most advanced training and deepest knowledge base in the world of Radionics and the SE-5 1000.
Some praise for Part One of The Next Dimension
Hi Don,
First of all the Next Dimension Series is just wonderful. I am totally enjoying it and
it is putting alot to missing parts together for me.
Your presentation on the Next Dimension DVD was excellent and
as a new practitioner, I learned much from you.
I've been watching the DVD's on The Next Dimension and cannot SLEEP!
Thank you.
The course comes with;
6 DVDs of course content,
\1 DVD of extras.
1 CD with programs and files,
69 page workbook, and
the book from Darius Dinshah, Let There Be Light.
This is definitely cutting edge and the best course in the area of health that has ever put together. There is so much exciting material in it....
Here is a link to a demo video for the new course.
Here are some highlights of the course contents.
Right Hand Dial Tunings
Left Hand Dial Tunings
Reagent List (Basic 12) (With Lutie Larsen)
Additional Reagents
Main Meridians (Front and Side)
Main Meridians (Back)
Meridian Timing
The work of Dr. Fritz Popp
Color Effects
Color and their related Elements
Antagonistic Elements
Spectro - Chrome Chart
Using the Color Light Harmonizer
Advanced Time Scanning
Dr. Hamer Iron Rules of Cancer
Chart of Germanic New Medicine
Programming Holograms
Tuned Geometrics
Chi Stagnation - Causes and Solutions
Using Sound and the Solfegio Frequencies
The Next Dimension DVD Course
The Next Dimesion (Part Two)
I have to say that it was very good that I video taped this because, even though I attended the course, I learned SOOO much when I was editing. This DVD set is jam packed with amazing information as well as a lot of practical information. I am going to go through the entire course again from beginning to end and practice with the DVDs even though I just spent about 200 hours editing the information. There is just so much information and also so much in the new data base. (Don Paris Ph.D.(h.c.))
Below is an overview of each disk but the stunning part of the work from Jan is the data base he has put together. He spent more than one year reorganizing and adding to the database in a completely new way of working. I really love his approach as it is more wholistic and is based on Chinese medicine and also Light Therapy. Of course the original information is still there, but it is organized from a very different way of thinking and working.
I think you will agree once you see the demo of the course. Since the demo is only 11 minutes, it is just a small teaser, but will give you an idea of his genius and diligence that he has devoted to not only the SE-5 1000, but the realm of healing also.
Since Jan has a background in IT (Information Technology), he has a very good way of explaining things as well as making it very user friendly to use the new database.
He will also explain how to do a very quick analysis when you don't have much time and also how to go into great depths when it is possible.
One thing that stood out for me is he shares how to focus on getting results right away (so your client will come back) but then going very deep to root out the causes of the imbalances so that they can completely resolve their issues.
All in all, between Part 1 of the Next Dimension and now Part 2, this is the most exciting information we have put together about the SE-5 1000 to date... (OK, Lutie Larsen is almost finished with the Garden and Food course which is also SUPER exciting!)....
Here is the Demo for Part 2
Part 2 Next Dimension Course
$295 plus Shipping and Handling
(Includes the new database)
Here is the content overview of each disk (although this is very general)
Disk 1
1. Intro
2. Who am I?
3. Resonance
4. New SE-5 database Philosophy
5. Understanding Life
Disk 2
1. Intro
2. Understanding Life (continued)
3. Balanced - Acute - Chronic
4. Guiding Mechanisms
5. Methods of Analysis
Disk 3
1. Intro
2. Analysis (continued)
3. Working with Light and Color
Disk 4
1. Intro
2. Chi Stagnation
3. Database Details
Disk 5
1. Intro
2. Deep Analysis
3. Shortened Analysis
4. Working with Clients
5. Remote Light Balancing
6. Questions and Answers
Intermediate Training for the SE-5
This SE-5 Intermediate Training Course presented by Greg Morgan Ph.D. was produced in the late ‘80s and has many valuable methods and procedures contained herein.
This course was presented for the original SE-5 and as such, SE-5 Plus users will need to adapt some of the methods to the newer instrument.
Some of the methods have been since revised in the Beginning Training for the SE-5 Plus. One such difference is the measuring of the Main and Subheadings of the Biofield Research Manual. When this video was presented, the Main Headings and Subheadings were measured from zero as they had Non-positive Tunings associated with them. This was later changed to Positive Tunings for the title of each heading and subheading. We now measure each Main Heading and Subheading from 100% with the ideal state being 100%.
As you go through the course, adjust your readings accordingly.
Course Contents
- ____Auric Energies
- ____Acupunture
- ____ Allopathic
- ____Chiropractic
- ____Dentistry
- ____Homeopathic
- ____Naturopathic
- _____Color and Sound
- _____Electrical and Electromagnetic
- _____Flowers and Aromatics
- _____Geometrics
- _____Herbs
- _____Massage
- _____Remedies
- ____Nutrition
- ____Osteopathic
- ____Podiatry
- ____Psychological
- _____Gemstones and Crystals
- _____Flowers and Aromatics
Intermediate Training Course DVD $125.00