IDF 32 Software for the SE-5 and SE-5 Plus
(included with the SE-5 1000)
The long awaited software for Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 (Win. 98-7) is now available!
This optional software for the SE-5 plus has many new features and enhancements over the previous IDF Software for Windows.
These additions will allow you to work more effectively. New features include:
Cut and Paste features from one Session to another
Word Tuning Data Base
Balancing multilple programs and sub programs
Use of geometrics, color and sound during balancing.
Support for USB to serial adapters
Improved Import / Export functions
Extended Tunings and Tuning Descriptions.
Improved Sessions Manager with Session Description.
Complete Help Files.
Search by Name or Tuning number.
To get complete information you can browse through the online manual.
Click here to download Part One of the IDF 32 Manual
Click here to download Part Two of the IDF 32 Manual (Enhancements)
How would you like to use digital photographs with your SE-5? Now you can. With the new upgrade for the IDF32 software, you load digital photos of your Subject!
Below is a screen shot using a digital photo in the new IDF32 software.
There are many other changes in the software:
- Now you can delete multiple Tunings at the same time when doing a session review.
- You can also delete several Word Tunings at once from your Word Tuning Database.
- When reviewing a Session, you can now view the Word Tuning that you added to the program (previously it just said [Word Tuning].
- You can add several Word Tunings to a program at the same time.
- Word Tunings will now print in the report.
- XX Tunings that you scan for can now be seen in the Report
ADD ON Programs for the SE-5 1000 and IDF32 Software
Another great feature of the PC program is the ability to load in programs written by professional SE-5 plus users.
For example, here is a list of 57 different programs that can be loaded into the IDF Software. The cost for ALL 57 programs is $150.00
Add On Programs
- Balance Pain IDFs
- Balance Oxygen IDFs
- Parasite IDF Balance
- Balance Ileum IDFs Balance
- P.M.S. IDFs Balance
- Polarity IDFs Balance
- Balance Depression IDFs 1
- Balance Depression IDFs 2
- Drug Abuse IDF Balance
- Flu IFD Balance
- Prana IDF Balance
- Airport Radiation IDF Bal.
- Radiation IDF Balance
- Sexual Energy IDF Balance
- Sinus IDF Balance
- Toxicity IDF Balance
- Fatigue IDF Balance
- Vitality IDF Balance
- Balance Skin IDFs
- Balance Garden Pest IDFs
- Headache IDF Balance 1
- Balance Headache IDFs 2
- Balance Insect IDFs
- Nervous System IDFs Balance
- Stress IDFs
- Substance Abuse IDFs Bal.
- Tobacco Abuse IDF Balance
- Balance Vaccination IDFs
- Adrenal IDFs
- Alcoholism IDFs
- Allergy IDF Balancing
- Spine IDF Balancing
- Candida IDF Balance
- Align Chakra IDFs
- Cholesterol IDF Balance
- Cold Symptom IDF
- Food/Water Toxin IDFs
- Operator Clear IDFs
- Dental IDF Balance
- Ecstasy IDF Electromag.
- Stress IDF Emotional
- Stress IDF Eye IDF
- Balancing Weight IDF
- Balance Food Allergy IDFs
- Gall Bladder IDF Balance
- Grey Hair IDF Balance
- Jet Lag IDF Balance
- Colon IDF Balance
- Kidney IDF Balance
- Liver IDF Balance
- Longevity IDF Balance
- Restore Manual IDFs
- Balance Meridians IDFs
- Vitamin/Min. IDF Balance
- Balance Moles IDFs
- Neg. Energies IDF Clearing